ERA’s Sustainability Solution offers complete recordkeeping and emission calculation capabilities for all Scope 3 categories covering emissions resulting from activities and assets not owned or controlled by your organization, but included throughout your value chain.
Unlock a full range of features to streamline how your team tackles record-keeping, reporting, and more.
ERA’s Asset Management Module lets you quickly and easily define whether each facility you track data for is leased, owned, etc. and allows you to automate reporting based on the asset type.
Take full advantage of ERA's Master Metrics and Emission Factors form and built-in master library to ensure accurate factors, and archive factors over time to maintain comprehensive records.
Create a custom company structure and hierarchy with up to 10 distinct levels to stipulate emission factors for each site or region and align with the granular specificity of your data tracking requirements.
Activity Data (Usage)
Emission Factors
Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Loss Factors
Conversion Factors
Product Design Specifications
Percent of Equity Share
And many more
Talk with one of our project analysts to see how ERA's Sustainability Software can meet your team's unique needs.