ERA's Environmental Guides


TRI Reporting Survival Guide

This PDF guide updates you on any recent changes made to the Toxic Release Inventory TRI reporting program requirements.

You'll learn how to complete a TRI report accurately, what the TRI reporting thresholds are, and if you are required to submit a TRI report. 

Download your copy of the PDF to ensure your TRI reporting is as accurate as possible.


NPRI Reporting and Your Business

Canadian air regulations require manufacturers to track and disclose certain hazardous air pollutants. NPRI - National Pollutant Release Inventory - is an annual report for air emissions.
Download this PDF guide to learn about NPRI emissions, NPRI thresholds, and NPRI regulations.

The Title V Air Permit Handbook

This PDF is recognized as one of the foremost educational guides on Title V permitting and reporting for the manufacturing industry: the EPA has even purchased the rights to use this ebook in its own training

This expert knowledge on thresholds, requirements, exceptions, calculation methodologies, will prepare you for Title V Air compliance - whether this is your first time getting a Title V Permit or your most recent renewal.


Tier II Reporting Fundamentals

Tier II reporting shines a spotlight on your chemical inventory and demands transparency from your operations. This eBook will teach you what you need to report, how to report it, and give you some best practices and advanced tips to make Tier II compliance simple and straightforward.


The TRI Reporter's Guide to Catching and Fixing Red Flags

This special PDF guide, written by former EPA TRI Coordinator (Region 2) Nora Lopez, reveals the most vital mistakes that TRI reporters make and will teach you how to identify auditing red flags in your own TRI report. 


Building an EMS that Will Keep Your Business on Track

Building an Environmental Management System for your business? This PDF guide outlines the essential components of an EMS so that you can design or implement your own environmental management system or compliance framework.

ISO 14001 Guide

ISO 14001 Certification for the Automotive Industry

The journey to achieve ISO 14001 certification can seem overwhelming at first, but a little guidance and a few best practices can go a long way to streamline the process. 

The newest version of the standard, ISO 14001 2015, alongside various supporting standards, lays out requirements for an effective environmental management system. This eBook guides your team through the entire process from start to finish.


REACH Compliance Handbook

REACH compliance - also known as the EU's Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of chemical regulation -  has global ramifications for anyone who uses or produces chemical products.
Download this book to discover how REACH affects your business, what you can do to stay competitive in the global market, and what REACH compliance requires from your EHS team.

Quantifying VOC Air Emissions From Purge Solvent Sources

When using purge solvents in your processes, determining the VOC emissions from the solvent and coating waste generated can be a complicated calculation.  This guide will show you the steps to properly determine VOC content and how to calculate emissions so you can avoid over reporting. 
Download the PDF to get started.

EPCRA Essentials Course: Complete Training in SARA, TRI, and Tier I & II

This download contains a full workshop with over 170 slides to teach you everything you need to know about TRI reporting, Tier I, Tier II, SARA, Form R, and more. They are perfect for EHS professionals looking for an introduction or a refresher on EPCRA regulation fundamentals.

Written by former EPA TRI coordinator (region 2) Nora Lopez, this workshop offers a vital foundation for any EHS professional.


EPCRA for Experts: Advanced Tactics for TRI, Tier I & II, SARA, and Auditing

An advanced course on Tier I, Tier I, TRI, and EPCRA compliance, this free download builds on the foundation of ERA's EPCRA Essential workshop. Get access to over 130 slides written by a former EPA TRI coordinator for full expert insights. 

You will understand how your data is assessed by auditors, their insider process for seeking out non-compliance, and learn to identify common pitfalls that may be in your TRI report.


Streamlining Your Environmental Management Workflows

The average EHS professional spends hundreds of hours on data entry, report generation, and manually calculating emissions. However, those are hours not spend on vital sustainability, risk-management, and compliance tasks. 

This PDF eBook tells you how to switch your work style so that your data-entry tasks are handled automatically, letting you work on more impactful tasks. 

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A Guide to Calculating Your Boiler Emissions

Emissions from your boilers must be included in many air emission reports and operating permit reports. 
Download this concise how-to PDF guide for calculating boiler emissions - and learn the scientific methodology behind those emission calculations.
MACTs-NESHAPs ebook feature

Getting to Grips with MACTs and NESHAPs

Our 'Getting to Grip with MACTs' eBook explains Maximum Achievable Control Technology standards & NESHAPs.

Understanding the impact of MACT and NESHAP on your compliance helps plan for more long-term success.


Breaking Down the Automotive NESHAP/MACT

Automotive manufacturers are required to comply with the Automotive MACT standard (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) and demonstrate their compliance by tracking air emissions. 

This PDF guide outlines the requirements of the Automotive MACT so that you can prove your compliance with your permits.

ERA's Environmental Guides


Justification Guide for Purchasing EMS Software

Using Environmental Management System (EMS) Software is a reality for most modern manufacturers - if you are looking to implement EMS software, or transition from one software to another, this short PDF guide will teach you how to measure and understand the Return on Investment on EMS software.


Executive Briefing: Title V Air Permits for Automotive Manufacturers

This executive briefing, tailored to Automotive executives and managers, outlines the must-know highlights about Title V air permits.

Download your copy today and learn what you need to know to keep your business in compliance and protect it from enforcement fines.


Executive Briefing: Title V Air Permits for Aerospace Manufacturers

This short, concise PDF ebook gives you just the facts about Title V Air Permit compliance and Title V reporting for the Aerospace industry. 

Written for executives, this guide focuses on the high-level insights CEOs and other executives need to know about Title V permits.

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10 Tactics Used by Top Performers for Superb Environmental Compliance

This short PDF download lets you in on some of the best practices and work standards used by top environmental performers in the manufacturing industry... more importantly, it teaches you how to apply those concepts to your own business to improve your environmental compliance management.


EMS Software Selection Guide

You're looking for Environmental Management System (EMS) software, but don't know where to start... this PDF guide walks you through the process of finding, evaluating, and selecting the EMS software that is the right fit for your environmental compliance needs.